October 14, 2009

Best Year of My Life

A year ago this time, I was hospitalized with chest pains. I thought I was having a heart attack, but was really asthma and nervousness about my upcoming surgery for breast cancer.

The time between diagnosis and surgery was truly aweful. I was sure the tumor was huge and the cancer cells were having a party in my body.

Who woulda thunk that the surgery would be the beginning of one of the best years of my life?

* The cancer was smaller than the doctors thought, and my prognosis is good
* My sister and brother came from far away to take care of me, and we had awesome quality time together, even though I was a bit under the weather.
* I had a revaluation that my job was making me miserable, and I quit in February
* Since then, wrote most of a novel, got a gig teaching poetry, and went to Hawaii two times. Never would have been able to do those things if cancer hadn't inspired me to leave full time work
* More time for my son (4 years old) and hubby
* Like my body better than before and actually taking more care of it to keep it cute

The universe sure works in mysterious ways.

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