September 8, 2009

Coming Up on 1 Year Survivorship/Thrivership

Thirty three years ago today my mom died of breast cancer.

Later this month, I celebrate one year since my diagnosis.

Of course when I was diagnosed, I feared the worst--that my cancer was as bad as hers. She survived less than a year after her diagnosis.

But I called her doctor, who is still practicing (!) and he told me that breast cancer is now a good cancer to have. Detection is better, so my cancer was found at stage 1, while hers was state 4. Treatment is better, so if I have a recurrence, I'll still have a good chance of some more good years.

So hey, you, recently diagnosed. You may find that cancer is totally scary and awful and (at first) takes most your time, money, and energy. Or you may find that it is one of the best things that ever happened to you, forcing you to look at the important things in life, inspiring you to do the crazy things you might not have dared before.

Or both.

Today, I'm focusing on the inspiration. And hoping for a few more good years!

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