May 11, 2009

You can't scare me, I have cancer

One of the fringe benefits of having cancer is that other things don't seem as scary anymore. Once you've heard the scariest words of all--You have cancer--other things seem a bit less intimidating.

So speaking up in a meeting when I don't know the people in the room? Not so scary anymore.

Reading a poem I wrote in public? No problem.

Teaching an art project to 18 three-year-olds. Bring it on.

Quitting my job? Well, yes, a tiny bit scary, but I did it and so glad I did.


  1. Zahara, what a refreshing outlook! Thank you!

    I was diagnosed with bladder cancer less than a month ago and have been out of hospital 2 weeks, and in 10 days I get the results of what grade it is and where it has gone, if anywhere.

    In this short time, I have come to deal with having cancer with humour, and the reason I found your blog was because I came up with a cool idea for a t-shirt and thought I would Google it first and ensure it's not copyrighted! lol I wanted to wear a t-shirt that said "You Can't Scare Me - I Have Cancer!" for exactly those reasons you state above.


  2. Hi Karen, A belated thanks for your comment. I have been thinking of you and hope you are doing well. Let's face it, cancer can be scary but everything else seems so much less scary after you have been through the big c. All my best, Zahara

  3. Zahara, I wholeheartedly agree with this!
